Florida Beach Guide to Red Tide
The most recent red tide map is included below, along with a list of beaches and locations affected by red tide, when applicable.
This red tide map is automatically updated and will show the latest red tide status in Florida. If you notice a problem with this map please let us know.
The currently updated NOAA Harmful Algae Outbreak Respiratory Forecast can be viewed here: NOAA Respiratory Forecast
The current daily Red Tide outbreak map can also be viewed here: Red Tide Daily Sample Map
Historical Coverage
Note: Much of the information on this page is from the most recent major red tide outbreak in 2023. We will leave this information online for reference and educational purposes.
Red tide has devastating effects on the marine environment and marine life. Many locations experienced fish kills and injury or death of larger marine life. Tragically, this includes dolphins and manatees.
Like many environmental problems, red tide has both upstream causes, and downstream consequences.
One downstream effect is that it destroys marine seagrass, which worsens long-term problems for manatees in Florida who already struggle with starvation from disappearing seagrass.
The runaway pollution of our oceans is also fueling other types of algae blooms, including the now infamous giant sargassum blob which is headed to Florida.
Read more about the causes of red tide, including pollution, and why this is not natural.
Beaches Affected by Red Tide
Recent outbreaks have affected many red tide many beaches in Florida’s Gulf coast.
Florida’s current red tide outbreak has affected all of Florida’s beaches in the central and southwest Gulf coast counties. At various times red tide has been detected as far north as Pasco County and as far south as Monroe County, even briefly reaching some islands in the Florida Keys.
Current red tide conditions continue to vary in severity. Some areas have low amounts of K. Brevis present, while other locations are still showing high levels from water samples.
The most current red tide map shows that red tide is being detected in waterways and beaches around Tampa Bay and along Gulf coast beaches as far south as Marco Island.
Beach visitors are advised to check the most recent red tide map, air quality forecast and other updates from local officials before making plans.
What is Red Tide?
Red tide is an out-of-control growth of algae. It is called by a microscopic single-celled organism called Karenia brevis.
Red tide is almost always present in the Gulf of Mexico, but it usually exists in small quantities.
Red tide in Florida can erupt into huge algae blooms when conditions are favorable, especially when the algae is fueled by water pollution, in the form of nutrients.
Common sources of water pollution in Florida include agricultural pollution, polluted groundwater, discharge of untreated sewage from water treatment plants, leaking septic tanks and other sources.
Why is it called Red Tide?
“Red Tide” got its name because it discolors ocean water into a rusty, dark red/brown color. Harmful algae blooms can also appear as other colors, including green and purple.
Where is red tide the worst in Florida?
Karenia brevis, the organism that causes red tide, primarily exists in the Gulf of Mexico. It can be found in all parts of Florida, including the Florida Panhandle, central Florida, southwest Florida, the Florida Keys and the Atlantic coast.
Red tide spreads easily via ocean currents, and through discharges from polluted waterways, especially Lake Okeechobee.
Red Tide has been found as far north as North Carolina, although the outbreak originated in Florida waters.
What is Karenia brevis?
Karenia brevis is a microscopic plant organism. It produces neurotoxins that damage the central nervous systems of humans, pets, fish, birds, dolphins, manatees, sea turtles and many other living organisms.
The neurotoxins harm human health via respiratory exposure, physical contact and through the consumption of contaminated organisms, especially shellfish.
When waves crash on beaches they red tide neurotoxins can spread via the air, becoming “aerosolized”.
Aerosolized neurotoxins can reach as many as four miles inland from a beach contaminated with red tide.
Red tide causes massive fish kills, marine mammal deaths, including dolphins and manatees, sea turtles and seabirds. Enormous whale sharks have also been killed by red tide.
Fish kills release additional nutrients, feeding more red tide, and further lowering water oxygen levels. More marine life is killed, creating a runaway growth cycle.
Red tide is harmful to the environment in a variety of ways. One of the worst knock-on effects of red tide is that it kills large beds of seagrass.
Seagrass loss is devastating and has far-reaching effects for marine ecosystems. In recent years hundreds of manatees have starved to death due to seagrass due-offs.
Many other species rely on seagrass as a nursery and breeding ground for juvenile organisms.
How long will the red tide last in Florida?
The length of a Red tide outbreak varies considerably. Red tide can last anywhere from a few days up to several months.
In recent years some red tide outbreaks have become more intense. Some have lasted for up to 18 months.
Red tide is heavily influenced by weather conditions, especially rain, wind and currents, which can increase or decrease the intensity and duration.
Is Red Tide natural? What Causes Red Tide?
Many people say that red tide is naturally occurring. This is only partly true.
This message that “Red Tide is natural ” is often repeated by politicians, special interest groups and industrial polluters who want to avoid responsibility for stopping water pollution.
It is true that Karenia brevis, the organism which causes Red Tide, is a naturally occurring organism.
Red tide usually lives 10-40 miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. It usually exists in small amounts which do not cause harm.
However, modern red tide outbreaks should not be thought of as “natural”. Today Florida’s red tide outbreaks are directly fueled by excessive nutrient pollution, which is not natural.
Large-scale water pollution makes red tide much worse than it would ever “naturally” be.
Common sources of water pollution include:
- Untreated releases of sewage
- Sewage leaks from old septic tanks
- Animal sewage from industrial agriculture livestock
- Fertilizer from industrial farming operations
- Fertilizer from golf courses, yards and landscaping
- Untreated groundwater runoff
- Vehicle and powerplant exhaust
- Pollution from industrial phosphate mines
Tampa Bay was impacted by an unusually severe outbreak of red tide in 2021 because of toxic water pollution discharged from the Piney Point gypsum stack, which is used to store contaminated industrial waste.
Warming oceans due to climate change also contribute to harmful algae outbreaks, including red tide. Harmful algae blooms are becoming worse in terms of outbreak severity, and they are happening more often.
Red tide is only one form of harmful algae outbreak; other harmful algaes are also fueled by human causes, and also have destructive impacts on marine environments. Common examples include Sargassum seaweed, Blue-Green Algae and others.
Which Florida beaches have red tide?
Red tide can affect all beaches in Florida, but it primarily affects beaches on Florida’s western coast and beaches in the Gulf of Mexico.
Red tide affects Gulf coast beaches most severely, but it can spread to East coast beaches, as well.
In 2018 many beaches on Florida east coast were closed due to red tide, including beaches in Miami-Dade County, Palm Beach County and others.
Florida’s 2023 outbreak of red tide hit beaches along Florida’s central and southwest coast, including beaches near Tampa Bay, Sarasota, Anna Maria Island, Sanibel and Captiva Island.
What is red tide season in Florida?
Low levels of Red tide are found in the Gulf of Mexico year-round, but harmful outbreaks follow a seasonal pattern.
Red tide outbreaks usually occur in the late summer or early fall, when water temperatures are highest and when heavy rainfall washes nutrients and water pollution into the water.
Red tides outbreaks can last through the winter and into the following spring. In recent years some red tide outbreaks have lasted for up to 18 months.
Red Tide Symptoms in Humans
Airborne exposure to red tide is dangerous, especially for people with asthma or breathing difficulties. Researchers have found that hospital admissions increased significantly when red tide is present.
Red tide is especially dangerous when molecules become airborne, or aerosolized, by wave action and sea spray. Aerosols contaminated with red tide toxins can be blown up to four miles in-shore from beaches.
Contaminated shellfish like mussels, oysters and clams are especially dangerous to eat because they accumulate red tide toxins.
For most people, red-tide causes severe respiratory irritation, coughing, sneezing and other symptoms which may resemble allergies.
For a full list of symptoms, refer to the Center for Disease Control and National Institute for Health.
Why is red tide so bad in Florida?
Red tide negatively affects Florida for several reasons. Florida has warm water and ample sunlight which allows algae to grow quickly.
Florida has major problems with leaking sewer systems, discharges of untreated sewage, and a high number of old, leaking septic tanks.
Sewage leaks introduce pollution and nutrients into Florida’s waterways. The nutrients act as fertilizer and cause algae to grow quickly, leading to outbreaks.
Discharges from polluted waterways, especially Lake Okeechobee, also contribute to red tide outbreaks.
Lake Okeechobee is heavily polluted by industrial agriculture, animal sewage and sewage from poorly maintained septic, sewer and wastewater facilities.
Florida also has a large amount of pollution from groundwater runoff.
When rain falls onto the ground it becomes groundwater. The groundwater flows across the ground and accumulates fertilizer, animal feces and other pollutants. The polluted groundwater then flows into storm drains, streams, rivers and eventually into the ocean, where the nutrient pollution fuels runaway algae growth.
Red tide is only one form of dangerous algae bloom in Florida. There are others, as well.
While red tide afflicts salt water, another type of harmful algae called blue-green algae affects bodies of freshwater in Florida, especially lakes.
Blue-green algae is a major problem in Lake Okeechobee and fresh water systems in Florida. Blue-green algae has been linked to serious health problems for people who live near the water.
Blue-green algae has also threatened some freshwater drinking sources in Florida, forcing officials to warn citizens not to drink tap water in some situations.
How does red tide affect wildlife?
Red tide has killed huge numbers of fish, dolphins, manatees, sea turtles, sharks, birds, and even giant whale sharks. Pets can also be injured or killed by toxic algae exposure.
Fish kills caused by red tide require massive, expensive clean-up operations to remove rotting carcasses.
The stench from rotting animals is unbearable and can force residents to leave their waterfront homes, or avoid going outside.
Red tide also kills off seagrass, which is crucial for environmental health. This has caused a crisis in which hundreds of manatees have starved to death due to lack of seagrass. Seagrass destruction is a serious problem and causes a chain reaction of other environmental problems.
Can people swim in red tide?
Red tide is toxic to humans and causes numerous health hazards. People should not swim in water that is contaminated with red tide.
Exposure to red tide causes a variety of unpleasant and potential dangerous symptoms, including coughing, headaches, wheezing and many other symptoms. Skin exposed to red tide may become irritated.
People and pets should avoid swimming in water contaminated with red tide and should never swim near dead fish or other indicators of red tide.
Anyone who comes into contact with red tide or contaminated water should wash themselves and their pets, immediately and thoroughly, to remove any contamination.
Red tide is not fully understood and some health effects may exist which are not yet known, including possible long-term neurological damage.
Can dogs be walked on beaches with red tide?
Dogs are vulnerable to numerous health effects from red tide.
Dogs should not be allowed to come into contact with water which is contaminated with red tide, or to eat, access or play with sea foam, debris, dead fish or organisms which may be contaminated with red tide.
Dogs should be bathed thoroughly after swimming in water which may have red tide. Dogs often lick their fur to groom themselves after swimming, which may lead to accidental ingestion of red tide toxins.
How much does red tide cost taxpayers?
Red tide is hugely destructive for Florida’s environment. It is also costly for Florida’s economy in many ways.
Red tide causes mass interruptions to Florida’s tourist-driven economy. Restaurants, hotels, attractions and tours all suffer during red tide outbreaks. Interrupted tourism creates losses for the state of Florida due to lost tax revenue and due to long-term reputational damage.
Harmful algae outbreaks also threaten Florida home prices and Florida’s real estate industry because new residents are worried about future outbreaks.
Red tide cleanup operations are also extremely expensive and are generally impossible, due to the large-scale problem of red tide. It would be much better to control water pollution and avoid red tide in the first place.